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I had a nice day off on Monday.  I had the good fortune to spend the day with Vicki.  I collect napkins for her when I hit estate and thrift shops for her to dye and screen print and she lets me pick scraps from her fabric bits!  What a deal! 

I asked her if she would give me a screen printing demo when I came to her house, and she said we can spend DSC06742 (747x1024)the day screen printing.  Off to the Goodwill I go to pick up some items for printing.  That way, if it doesn’t work out, I am not out a fortune or clothes I love!  I bought a shirt for $2.50 (pictured above), a blazer for $6.99, and a denim shirt for $2.50.  Thankfully, they were all half off!

We used some background text on the top one and then printed some flowers over top of it.  I love the happy accident of the two top flowers both coming out a bit more primitive. 

On the denim blazer I printed a bronze cascade of leaves.  Just 3 simple leaves that I made look like they were drifting. 

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This denim shirt is my favorite of all!  We mixed the colors a bit to make a rainbow effect with the colors.  Vicki, thankfully, printed this one.  It came out awesome and is my fav of all!  I love how the pink has a bit of sparkle to it. 

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Here is a close up of one of the pockets so you can see the detail a bit better. 

Thanks, Vicki, for teaching me to screen print, for making my quilted pocket for my bag and sewing it in!  Thanks, too, for your hubs showing me the circle of life. Winking smile  I am sure that in some way the geese had it coming!  Smile

Of what a fun day!

DSC06292 (1024x752) and she makes a request, you try your hardest to do it. 

Recently, my niece called to ask me to make her a hair bow.  She sends me a picture.  Cheetah ribbon, no sweat!  Silver ribbon, no prob!  Black ribbon, a cinch.  Then you hit every fabric and craft store in your town.  That is 15 in all.  15! 

You find the silver ribbon, you locate an acceptable substitute for the cheetah ribbon and then go on the hunt for the perfect sparkly and wide enough black ribbon.  Then you find some ribbons that will be about right and hope for the best once you put it together. 

You put a pic on her facebook page and she tells you how much she likes it.  Then you hold your breath until she sees it in person.  She does and then tells you how much she likes it.  You can breathe now.  Mission accomplished!  Thank goodness no small countries were hurt in the process.  LOL!

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pencil cup!  At work we had a mug on the counter to hold the pens that the applicants used to complete the applications and the caregivers used to complete paperwork and sign for their paychecks.  It was knocked off the counter and broke so we needed a replacement.  I scoured the thrift shops and over the long and snowy weekend as I was making some corn chowder it hit me as I was ready to toss the can. 

I covered the outside with pencil fabric which I found as a remnant at my local fabric store.  On the bottom I affixed a felt circle to cover the can.  On the inside and the bottom is is also lined with black felt.  That way as the pens leak no one will know it’s become gross inside. 

It was a quick 15 minute project.  I gave the fabric edges a brush of mod podge to keep them from fraying as the cup is handled.  Aleene’s tacky glue was used to glue the fabric to the can. 

A boatload is a lot! 

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A boatload is 62…

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A boatload is made up of silhouettes and Halloween…

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It is also comprised of silver jump rings…

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And, mostly, it is the result of a lot of work!

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Tonight I will be making earrings and placing some on silk cords for necklaces.  I plan to make a necklace and earrings set of each design (21 designs in all).  It took me part of a day to put the images on the scrabble tiles and then coat them with the stuff that protects them. 

I think the images came out great.  Some of the silhouettes I especially love.  They will make great jewelry for Halloween and for other wear.  Half are for Halloween and the other for every day.  I have got all the bases covered. 

If you live in Richmond and are interested in some of them or some other artsy items.  You can read more about where they will be here

Last week’s MAMMA challenge was to create a work influenced by your favorite artist.  I don’t really have a favorite artist.  I have lots of favorite images, pictures, works and paintings, but no one artist stands out.  Most of my group drew or painted their ATCs which is not my best method.  I am still working through the embellishing stuff and to create a work of art, that is just madness for me! 

The work of art that came to mind for me was Van Gogh’s Starry Night.  I love that it is abstract and the colors.  I also love a good starry and clear night.  I always have.  I decided to try to needle felt my interpretation of his painting. 



The background is cream wool felt with blue, black, yellow wool roving felted in.  I also added some seed beads to give it a bit more texture.  Not an exact match, but a worthy interpretation of the original.





I received my Spring Doll from MoCross for the February MAD MAMMA swap.   I love the colors pink and yellow, my favorite color combo and my fav colors, too.  I believe she was meant to come live with me.  Thanks, Maureen!








On Saturday my local quilt shop was celebrating National Quilt Month and had a number of classes scheduled on Saturday.  Saturday was supposed to be rainy and miserable all day (as was the entire weekend) and the shop is a bit from my home up the interstate which, whenever there is rain, is always a mess.  I really wanted to take one of the classes, but thought I would play it by ear.  I hit a few of my favorite thrift shops and meandered my way north toward the local quilt shop.  I made my way to the shop with 10 minutes to spare and asked if there was still a slot open in the class.  There was and I got the LAST spot.  The class was called Pin Pals.  You knew it was a brooch class didn’t you?

The background fabric is a batik topped with some Angelina fibers.  I ironed the Angelina a bit too much so it lost its sparkle, but I think she is still cute!  The layer between is Timtex, a very sturdy interfacing.  I did a bit of “quilting” by sewing some straight lines across her body.  The face, arms and feet are Art Girlz charms

I think she needs some hair a a bit more embellishing.  I am still deciding just what she needs.  When I have completed her I will show you the new updated version.  Pin Pal 2.0! 

What have you been creating this week?

DSC01542I saw this lovely hand painted Japanese teacup and saucer at my local Goodwill and it was love at first sight.  Then, the inspiration struck me.  Wouldn’t that be neat to hold jewelry on the top of your dresser? 

Add a lead crystal candlestick to give it a bit of heft.  You begin by gluing the candlestick to the saucer using E6000 glue.  Then glue the cup to the top of the candlestick (where the candle is inserted). 

Let it dry overnight and you have a lovely way to organize your jewelry.  You can hang your earrings along the lip of the cup, place a few bracelets inside and lay rings in the saucer.


The longest part of the process is finding the right cup, saucer and candlestick. 

What everyday items have you upcycled?

Don’t you love surprise packages?  The present that you didn’t expect, but somehow you were longing for?  I saw the Prada Schmada totes that Heidi made which she learned to at Silver Bella on her blog.  I fell in love with them, but never let on too much (I am sure Heidi will correct me if my recollection is incorrect on that).  Imagine my delight and surprise when I came home Saturday evening to a package from Heidi on my doorstep. 

DSC01493 At first, I thought, “did I order something from her Etsy shop and forget?”  I brought it inside and tore into it like no one’s business to find this lovely tote all for me.






Isn’t it so pretty with its faint pattern, its bits of lace and ribbon, its little pearly brooch and ribbons!  It is lovely, it is handmade, and it is all for ME!  I love it so much, thanks again Heidi! 








Now for the giveaway part!  I ended up with two of the clothespin doll ornaments left from the Christmas giving and one can be yours.  Leave a comment on this post and I will pick the winner on Sunday evening and announce the winner on Monday, the 5th.  If you send a friend, I will give you two entries, just tell them to mention that you sent them.  (Just in case you are new{ish} to my blog you have to scroll way down below this post for the comment box.)  Good luck and remember there are two to give away so there will be 2 winners!


Good luck! 

DSC01484…your family and friends.

…your time with spent with others.

…the love you feel on the holidays.

…the joy as you open the presents.

…the magic of the season.

…that ugly sweater given with lots of love.

…the ones that you hold near and dear.

…the family that was brought to you by blood or by circumstance.

…the joy of the new year yet to come.


Merry Christmas My Dear Bloggy Readers! 

I cherish each and every one of you!

For the celebrations I will be attending tomorrow…DSC01463 

but first, I have to get the girls dressed for the evening.







the tops, hats and skirts are on, but wait you forgot…









the greeting, that is the bestest part!





Tune in tomorrow I will show you what the greeting says! 

(Do you think 8 will be enough?)

My friend, Angela, and I made the trip on Saturday from Richmond to Thurmont for the Catoctin Colorfest.  It took us 3 hours to get there.  When we arrived I marveled at the number of people packed in this little town for the day.  Also, every resident it seemed chose to have this event coincide with their yard sale.  There were people wall to wall.  The sheer size of the event was overwhelming.  There were a lot of others taking advantage of the festival in order to have their own craft shows.  There were other venues with 100+ craft booths everywhere.  It was too overwhelming for me. 

Angela and I were troopers and we checked out most of the venues and at one point couldn’t remember if we had already DSC01330been there or not.  It is certainly not an event for the fainthearted.  We ate, too.  I had a crabcake sandwich.  Can’t go to Maryland and not have some form of crab, right?  I also had an apple dumpling.  Angela, had some pizza and tried to have a funnel cake.  She stood in line while I got in the bus line so we could leave.  She got to the person to take her order and then the bus was pulling up.  The lady told her it would be 5 minutes for her to MAKE one!  No wonder it took so long for her line to move! 

Most (90%) of the stuff there was not my cup of tea.  So I was a lot disappointed!  However, I did find one thing to buy for myself.  This lovely pearl bracelet.  It is made with white and peacock pearls with bali silver findings and crystals. 

We stopped at the Leesburg outlet center on the way home.  It is about 30 minutes south of Thurmont on Route 15.  That made my trip.  I found a pair of shoes, some of my Playtex bras for $16.99 each (I said $16.99!!!!!), a shirt, and some new slippers.  My other slippers were in incredibly ratty shape. 

Would I go to the Colorfest again, no.  Would I go to the outlets again, yes.  No offense to the people of Thurmont (of which my brother and sister-in-law are residents).  It was just not my cup of tea. 

How about you?  Ever drove to a show that disappointed you?

Quote O’ The Month

"What this world needs
is a new kind of army
- the army of the kind."
~Cleveland Amory

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cindyforeyes at earthlink *dot* net

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