You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2008.

DSC01086I decided to go back to the flea market for another orchid.  This time I picked up a yellow one (my favorite color).  My co-workers are jealous that I found orchids for $4.  Especially since they paid $19.95 for theirs! 

I also found a few other treasures.  The birds of North America book printed in 1966 with some awesome bird graphics and the 1916 edition Singer sewing machine instruction book.  It has some great drawings of the various parts and the machine itself. 

I got the Singer book for $1 and the bird book for $2.  He tried to get $5, but I talked him down and turned to walk away a time or two.



Then I headed to the Goodwill.  There I found this 1960 edition of Better Homes and Gardens Dessert Cookbook.  I love images from the 1960’s.  I like how they appear very flat, but are still colorful.  The desserts in this book are to die for…LITERALLY!  I love the image of the Mile High Chiffon Pie. 


DSC01103Also, I found this set of owl nesting boxes.  I thought they would be perfect to store my office supplies on my desk at work.  There are 3 sizes and they all stack inside one another.  There is also a tiny mouse on the side of each one holding a paintbrush.  It cost me $1!

I have been trying to curb my thrift shopping a bit lately.  I literally have more of everything that I could need or use conceivably.  Therefore I am limiting myself to 3 purchases per store. 

I also found 2 tote bags from Urban Outfitters (brand new with tags) to embellish for $4 each.  All in all a good haul no? 

So what did you score this weekend?  Anything great? 



Another America’s Got Talent performance.  Enjoy!

Remember this name as he will be the next great talent.  What a great voice and a sweet spirit.

When my sister, Debbi, turned 18 my parents bought her a parrot.  I cannot recall why as I don’t ever remember her asking for one.  Sometimes our parents bought us strange gifts just because.  She proudly named him Goofus (goof & us).  He was a really smart bird and would pick up on things easily and as they tend to do repeat it with nearly dead on mimicry. 

My brother Pat and his friends would get ratted out all the time by Goofus whispering the swear words that they were teaching him.  Since he would repeat it as he heard it Mom knew it was Pat and his friends.  It took Pat a bit to catch on and stop teaching the bird swear words. 

My little brother, Tommy, and I fought all the time.  We would hit, slap and pull hair and scream.  Goofus started mimicking those fights.  One particular day Tommy and I had long since left for school when he started up.  My Mom fresh from her night shift came flying out of her bedroom with kill in her eyes (or so she told us later when we got home).  Goofus, upon seeing her wild hair and eyes rounding the corner started laughing.  I wonder how he survived that as when she was awakened you were toast. 

Goofus would also whistle charge!  One particular evening when I was a pre-teen  and I had my first boy over at the house.  We were sitting close on the couch and he had his arm around me.  All of a sudden Goofus lets loose with the charge whistle.  I thought I was going to die!  Then again it certainly broke the tension of the would he or wouldn’t he??? 

We also bought a parakeet to keep Goofus company.  We named him Doofus.  They became fast friends, but Goofus never taught him any words.  Mostly, he tormented him through the bars of the cage.  He would nip at his wings and hiss at him.  That didn’t deter Doofus and he never seemed to be afraid of him.

My brother got a cockatiel that lived in his college dorm room with him and his roommates.  He sat over top of the foos ball table.  He would whistle charge and play the part of the crowd as they played.

Bob named him Reggie.   When Bob moved out on his own from the dorm room Reggie came to live with us.  I really liked Reggie as he had the sweetest disposition of all the birds. 

Not only farm animals, but we had quite the wild kingdom indoors, too.  Doctor Doolittle had nothing on us!

DSC01067 I found this adorable little owl brooch on one of my favorite Etsy seller’s shop.  Olive makes the cutest little whimsical brooches and this one is no exception.  I love how she combined the felt and the fabric to make this cute little owl. 

I shared about another purchase I made here.  She even remembered I was a repeat customer and thanked me for the return business.  That impressed me!

And remember the post on Monday about how much fun I am having making the little brooches?  Well I have made even more.


DSC01074 DSC01077

I am having a blast making them.  Every time I look at a piece of fabric, I think ooooohhhhh…brooch!  I may have to enter a broochy 12 step program. 

Reading the title you thought this may be about the color orange, didn’t you?  Well, it kind of is.  Jessica of How About Orange posts occasionally projects she finds on the internet on her blog.  Recently she posted about this bird mobile from the Spool Sewing blog.  You can download the .pdf with the pattern and directions here



This was my attempt.  I used music fabric in various colors for the birds so I lovingly call it Songbirds

Next on my list is to make the Serendipity Tote bag featured on the Sewing Republic.  I saw someone carrying it on Friday or one very similar and fell in love.  I love tote shaped bags. 

Consider this your daily dose of crafty vitamin C!

I went on Saturday to the Bellwood Flea Market or as I refer to it “stereo, tube sock and tool heaven”!  I stopped going years ago as it was not very full and the pickings were not ideal.  Saturday, I decided to check it out again.  After all it only costs a dollar to get in. 

DSC01080I found a vendor selling orchids for $4!  FOUR DOLLARSI said $4!  If you have ever thought about buying one you will know what a bargain that is.  I have never seen them for less than $19.99. 

I struck up a conversation with the husband and wife selling them about the proper care.  I also asked her about which would be the best one to pick.  My flower knowledge knows you don’t want to buy something in full bloom as it will allow you only a short time to enjoy it.  So I was not sure if I should pick one with buds or in full bloom. 

She let me know that they bloom for 3 months and that if I get the one with some blooms to be opened I would enjoy it for a long time.  Also, she let me know to let it dry almost completely before I water it.  Then water it, but don’t let it sit in water.  I can handle that.  I thought they were much more complicated to grow and hesitated to buy one as I was certain to kill it.  For $4 I can kill it several times and replace it before I have $19.99 in it. 

She let me know that they are there every week if I need another and was nice enough to pick out for me with the two flowering stems.  She told me it was the only one she had and she saved it for a special customer.  Maybe she lied, but for a while I felt really special.

Also, I found a 4 cup Pyrex measuring cup for $1.  I wanted a larger one, but didn’t want to pay full price as I would use it only occasionally. 

Ironically, I also found a Rummy-O game.  I offered some of my plethora of game pieces to my friend Jan in the UK for her pendants.  I sent her an entire set as I have been really lucky with locating them lately.  So I mail one off to Jan and find another set for $1 at the flea market.  Karma perhaps? 

Be sure to check out Jan’s awesome work on her altered pendants.  She is really gifted and her work is lovely.  You may remember the one she sent to me. 

This post may have been about fleas, but it was neither itchy or scratchy.  It also required no collar!

I was a bit bummed to only have five people comment on this post for the giveaway.  Then again, I was only giving away the letters A and B and that narrowed the potential winners a bit.  Still you commented and I was having so much fun making the brooches that I decided to make brooches for all of the commenters.  They are a lot of fun to make and go together so easily that I think it has been a bit addictive.

So,without further ado, here are the winners and their prizes…

First, for Vicki of Fieldtrips in Fiber we have a little yellow bee brooch.  


Next, for Barbara of Just a Little Zizzy we have the letter B since (as she reminded me) both of her names start with B.


Vallen of Queenly Things will receive what else, a crown.


Heidi of Everyday Cookies and a fellow birdie lover will receive a bird from me.


Last, but certainly not least, my new bloggy friend from across the big pond and the force behind Mop Heads Unite will receive Betty Boop.


Please go and check out Margaret’s artwork on her blog.  She is a very talented artist. 

Thanks to everyone for reading and cheering me on in my crafty endeavors.  Here’s to another 300 more! 

Haven’t we all been there!

Quote O’ The Month

"What this world needs
is a new kind of army
- the army of the kind."
~Cleveland Amory

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