You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2010.

DSC04873 (1024x783)Sometimes creativity just will not come.  You think on your theme and you cannot hit on that thing that motivates you to start.  You cannot force it, you cannot will it, you must just wait for the right trigger. 

Karla is having another tag swap that I joined.  The theme is the Wizard of Oz.  She put some images on her blog, I searched the thrifts for a book, I searched the internet for some pics to print that might nudge that creative spark.  Nothing! 

Last night, after work, I went to my LQS to get a new purse pattern that a lady in for orientation today was carrying.  While there I happened to ask, “Do you have any Wizard of Oz fabric?”  They had about 6-7 bolts of it.  I picked out four pieces to work with.  Now the ideas are swirling.  My creative juices are flowing.     All it took was a simple question.  

There is still time to join up if you are interested in the tag swap.

Dorothy tag book swap

with a little help from my friend

DSC04868 (1024x749) I am going to try with a little help from my friend.

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Thanks, Vicki, for the fabric scraps.  All of the fabrics for my flowers are hand dyed by Vicki.  She saves me her scraps and I pick her up vintage napkins at estate sales and thrift shops.  Since my flowers don’t use much fabric it is the perfect arrangement.  Do you have a crafty friend that you share supplies with? 

And, if you would like some of Vicki’s hand dyed fabrics for yourself you can get them here in her Etsy shop. 

I still have to add the pinbacks and the vintage jewelry bits, but the hard part is done!

hen-way I poke-say nother-ay anguage-lay.

hen-way I hought-tay o-nay nderstood-uay.

hen-way ig-pay as-way he-tay qy-qay.

o-day ou-yay emember-ray, oo-tay?

Made you work for this one, huh?

kindness_Page_0[1]I admit it, I love donuts!  Let me be sure you understand…I.LOVE.DONUTS!  I especially loved glazed cake donuts.  Sour cream, pumpkin, spice, as long as it is cake and has a glaze count me in!

This week’s random act of kindness is inspired by donuts and occurred in the drive-thru of my local Krispy Kreme.  As I was pulling away, I told the clerk to keep the $2 for my change and to give the car behind me 2 cake donuts on me. 

I saw him point to my car as I drove away.  I saw the lady behind the wheel smile and then poof, the donut fairy (me) was gone. 

Nothing like some donuts to make a crappy day better! 

DSC04758 (974x1024) I love going to the thrift shops.  You never know what awaits you.  It is like an Easter egg hunt when you find the big chocolate egg.  On my last trip, I found this sweet little vintage cotton girl’s dress .  I love the images of the bunnies at play. 








DSC04759 (938x1024) My favorite part is this image.  Check out the text on the hat.  It is Spanish, I believe and I think I see Princess in it.  That is what makes a find truly special!




I have never liked tight things on my body.  Tight clothes, no.  Tight pants, heck no. Watches, nada.  Bracelets, noper.  Necklaces, not a chance. 

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I found this pretty little bracelet at the thrift shop.  It was really pretty with the grey pearls, the briolette beads and the rhinestone button for closure.  The only problem was it was too tight.  It fit on my wrist with no play at all.  I need play.  I need it to twist around and around.  I need give. 

So I set about taking it apart.  I added the four swarovski beads to it to give me some wiggle room.  In the process one of my crimp beads came open and some tiny seed beads went flying!  I still haven’t located all of them!  I then made up the gaps with some black seed beads I had.  A bit larger, but they worked for the closure all the same. 

The improved bracelet is great with just the right amount of wiggle room.  I got the bracelet for $5 and with a little work and the beads I already have it is a masterpiece!

Now get your mind out of the gutter! 

I have been captivated by the latest trend of cutting up t-shirts and then turning them into scarves and necklaces.  So I thought I would give it a try.  I went to my local Goodwill and bought 3 ugly t-shirts in the same color family.  I have two black/white ones and one that is gray/black. 

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Enter the scissors and they were all cut into strips.  Since they were varying sizes the strips were various lengths.  I then hit the trusty sewing machine to sew them all together into one looooooooong strip.  I then ironed the strip into half so when I sewed it that it made a long tube when it was turned inside out. 

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I then spent a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGG time turning that long beast inside out using a safety pin that was fed through the tube.  It literally took hours!  Once it was done I then made a long loop and bound the necklaces together using one of the ends. 

Do I like the result?  Yes.  Will I make another?  Probably not as the turning it right side out was horrendous!  I am going to wash it and put it in the dryer to see what that does to it.  I will let you know. 

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Sorry for the fabric bunnies and the non-matching shirt!

In case you are wondering, this is the video that started me on this quest.

when dish soap and a circle on a stick kept me busy for hours.

the spray when you popped one that was in mid-flight.

when you watched them fly on the wind toward heaven.

blowing bubbles! 

Do you remember, too? 


This week’s random act was to leave a dollar bill wrapped around the gas pump handle for the next car after me.  I left a note, have a small cup of coffee on me!

Quick, simple and easy peasy!

DSC04707 (1024x793) When you make stuff from recycled bits everything that you would normally throw away becomes a supply.  Recently, I bought a new scarf at the Goodwill that was still attached to its ring for hanging it in the store.  The ring was clear and about 2 inches around.  I was getting ready to toss it, then thought “I can make something with that.”  So I saved it. 

This weekend I was looking for something quick and easy to make that would give me a bit of instant gratification.  I pulled out the ring and crocheted with variegated yarn to cover the ring.  I dug out one of the pogs that I had picked up at the Goodwill outlet.  I covered it front and back with Basic Grey paper using mod podge to seal it.  Then I glued it to the back of the DSC04708 (1024x881) ring.  I then sewed on a ring of seed beads to finish it.  I am not sure if it should be a pendant or a brooch, so have not finished it yet.  It was a quick and easy 30 minute project with some instant gratification attached. 

What quick and easy project have you accomplished?

Quote O’ The Month

"What this world needs
is a new kind of army
- the army of the kind."
~Cleveland Amory

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cindyforeyes at earthlink *dot* net

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