You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2010.

kindness_Page_0[1]This week’s random act happened in the drive-thru of my local Chick-fil-a.  They were having a promotion if you bought a dessert item that you received a coupon for a free breakfast item.  I left my $5 change to buy brownies for however many people in the next cars it would pay for.  I also told them if there was change leftover to put it in the collection box for their charity at the register. 

My random act did double duty.  It provided them with an awesome Chick-fil-a brownie and it also bought them breakfast another day. 

What random acts have you practiced lately?

It was about an avid crocheter or knitter that would leave a mesh bag outside in the spring with bits of yarn in all colors and types.  As the birds were gathering bits to build their nests they would grab a string or two and use it in their nests.  There was one birdie in particular that used several bits of the yarn for its nest and had quite a colorful place to lay her eggs and grow her babies. 

I remember thinking what a cool idea that was.  Have I ever done it?  No, but the spirit is there.  LOL!  I found this post on a crochet blog that talks about it.  Birds, especially in cities, have limited nest building materials and get “creative” in their materials.  So a bit of yarn might be just the thing.  And how cool to see a nest in your tree and see a bit of your yarn hanging from it?

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After I found this sweet little birdie image it got me thinking?  I used it to make the charms for the Flickr Altered Dominos and Other Game Pieces Group charm swap.  I adhered the image onto a mini domino using mod podge with a layer of Diamond Glazer on top.  The domino was first painted with acrylic glitter paint to give it some sparkle and a bit of bling.  I sealed the paint and the image with a few layers of polycrylic as nothing gets on my nerves more than loose glitter!!  I added a couple of pieces of yarn to the jump rings to keep my nesting thoughts alive. 

I actually remembered this time to make one for myself.  Imagine that.  I recounted and there are 9 in the group and with my charm that makes 10 for the bracelet.  I am thinking I will make a kumihimo cord for the bracelet.  That would be cool!

What have you done for the birdies lately? 

I am busy working on 11 charms for a charm swap for the Flickr Altered Dominos and Other Game Pieces group.  So while I am finishing up on the charms I am making, I will show you three of the charms I have received so far.

Mary Ann McKeating of Follow Your Bliss Designs, made this wonderful cupcake charm using a bingo marker and fimo clay.  She says it is her first time using fimo clay to make the cupcake, but I think she has some sculpting in her background. 

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Jan Freeman made this awesome charm using a shoe from a Monopoly game, some rock crystals, and other charms.  It is really pretty!

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And Heather Alexander (HA! Designs) made this cute little birdhouse charm using dominos that she cut in half and a roof.  I love the game card she tied it onto. 

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I hope to have mine ready to show you tomorrow and then have them in the mail by the end of the week to the other swap participants.  We shall see how that goes!

My mail box runneth over and I have lots of goodies to show you.  First, I participated in a few 1:1 swaps for ATCs from my available for trade set on Flickr.   

From Kate, I received this lovely ATC made using a button she pilfered, err borrowed from her Mom. 

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Next, from Sherry, a 2:2 swap.  she sent me the ATCs she made recently using some Tim Holtz techniques from his newest book Compendium of Curiousities

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And, last but not least, from Joy I received this lovely collaged ATC.  I love how she assembled the bits and pieces. 

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It was a lovely weekend for mail, no? 

tossing and scooping.

trying to pick them up before a bounce.

trying to remember to keep the off the floor.

hearing my Mother holler as she stepped on one.

playing for hours on the sidewalk.

playing Jacks.

Do you remember, too? 


This week’s random act of kindness was buying lunch for a lady at my local Burger King.  Every now and then, I pop through the drive through for something quick.  I noticed the car behind me.  One of those cars where their lives are packed into it and the dashboard is filled so you know they are living in their car.  I saw her scrounging for change so I asked the cashier what her tab was.  She told me it was $3.21.  I asked her to throw in a couple of cheeseburgers and some large fries and gave her the money.

I asked her to tell the lady behind me that it was a contest and she was car number 100.  Then I drive away!

Made me feel good all day!

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I used to be so caught up in my blog numbers.  How to increase the numbers and get more comments on the blog.  I was even at one point obsessed.  Then I realized I did it for two reasons, to meet others and to inspire others.  I feel like I have accomplished both. 

As I was approving some comments the other day I realized I completely missed a bloggy milestone.  I have posted 1,092 posts.  This one will be 1,093.  I will be soon at 1100 posts. 

I thought it appropriate to put together a little giveaway to thank all of you for your support, your comments and the friendship.  I recently made two more Poe brooches.  One was a special order for a friend.  I made two so she had a choice.  She picked hers so I am giving away the other. 

The fabric is hand dyed fabric by my friend, Vicki.  The image of Poe is printed from an image I found on the internet and it is adhered to a button with Mod Podge.  I encircled the pic with some seed beads.  I think he is quite the smashing dude!  It is also a large brooch measuring 4.5” wide. 

All you need to do to be entered is to leave a comment on this post.  I will take comments until the first of October.  I will pick the winner on October 2nd.  If you send a friend and they comment you sent them you get an extra entry.  I will use the random number generator to pick the winner. 

Good luck! 

DSC05035 (1024x795)Looking back on the last year of my life has been interesting.  In that year I have become employed (after two years of unemployment) at a job that gives me a lot of personal fulfillment.  I have a job that I like getting up and going to daily.  That is important!

My last job was in corporate America.  I had one of those managers that makes your workplace misery.  Every day I had to will myself to go in.  I had to make myself go back the next day.  I had to pray for the strength not to tell her to stuff it on a daily basis.  

Now it is a year later and I am happy.  I make stuff, I create things and they make people smile and every so often make a purchase.  I also have a part-time hobby that makes me some spending money.  You know I love to thrift!  Now I thrift for a sideline.  I pick up treasures and then resell them for some coin.  It is fun, I love to seek out the treasures and my home doesn’t look like an episode of Hoarders.  Life is good!

I have some really cool friends that I have met via blogging, Flickr and Yahoo groups.  They are cool, they are nurturing and they help to fan my creative flames.  Life is good. 

I know I have friends out there that are still looking for work.  That are wondering how they will make ends meet.  That are hoping for a blessing.  To them I say “hang in there!”  Your dreams will get realized.  Sometimes it takes time.  In the meantime, I will keep believing in you!  You keep believing in you, too!

DSC05028 (554x1024) Karla’s having another tag book swap.  This one is based on the Wizard of Oz.  I searched and searched and could not find images that inspired me to make the tags.  I made a trip to my local quilt store for some thread and asked if they had any Wizard of Oz fabrics.  They did have several and I bought a sampling of each.  I then decided to make fabric tags. 

So I got out my trusty Timtek to make them stiff, my wonder under for bonding, my beads, scissors, flowers, buttons, vintage lace and variegated thread.  I also used my printer to print out the text.  I also used my Crop-o-dile to make the holes and add the eyelets for the hole. 

I love how they came out.  This time I remembered to make one for myself to add to my book when I receive it from Karla.  I also made an extra for Karla.  I had to make 6 total, so I made one of each character, Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Woodsman, and the Cowardly Lion, and then made 4 of Dorothy sleeping in the poppies. 

The back is finished with Surrender Dorothy fabric,  and either Dorothy in the red shoes or the witch with the house on top of her.  I also added the swap button, and my information.  I will share the back on Flickr tomorrow. 

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I really love how they came out and hope that my swap recipients do, too. 


cracking open the top on a fresh box of 64.

using the built-in sharpener when I dulled one.

watching my pictures come alive.

seeing my artwork on the refrigerator. 

wondering how many colors matched my clothes.

thinking some of the names sounded like food.

Do you remember Crayola 64’s, too?

Quote O’ The Month

"What this world needs
is a new kind of army
- the army of the kind."
~Cleveland Amory

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cindyforeyes at earthlink *dot* net

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