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The Faerie Zine, a Flickr group I belong to, recently held a Spring/Bunny ATC swap.  I received my ATC from my remaining partner, Ann-Denise.  She is referred to as the Queen of Crepe. 

Ann-Denise sent the ATC and a lot of extras, too.  Marshmallow peeps, flower seeds, a bunny candle, and note cards with birdies on them.  Oh my, let the sugar rush begin!

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Isn’t the ATC fabulous!  It is so pretty.  I love the crepe paper rosette on the faith bubble, the greenery and the shape of the card.  Lovely, lovely, lovely! 

Now I am going to mingle with my peeps! 

Before I get to the suckin’ part, I thought I would fill you in on my weekend’s activities.  My friend, Kim, held an open house and silent auction for the Richmond SPCA.  She had lots of great artists, businesses and individuals (like me) that donated items for a silent auction with all the proceeds benefitting the SPCA.  I helped to set up and also to help settle the tabs when they finished. 

The house is a great fixer upper originally built in 1810.  It had a lot of the most awesome wallpaper in all of the rooms.  In one of the rooms we found where the wallpaper had the paperer’s name with the date 1940.  I wanted to rip large pieces of the wallpaper down and take it with me, but Kim wouldn’t let me! 

Kim raised hundreds of dollars for the SPCA Sunday afternoon and I was happy to be a part.  The SPCA brought a canine representative to attend the event.  Josie is part hound and part beagle and was the sweetest doggy.  At the end people were fighting with the SPCA rep in order to adopt her that evening!  It was hard NOT to love her. 

Now on to the suckin’…

DSC01681 This week’s MAMMA theme was basques (corsets) and this was my creation.  I used my crochet twine and my tiniest hook to create the corset and added beads to simulate the bones of the corset.  The skirt is fashioned from a bit of lace that was gathered.  I finished it off with a vintage image, ribbon bits for her straps, gems for her hair.  The background is scrapbook paper that was stamped and inked. 

I also received the card for the Mother’s love swap from Flipp

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If you enjoy a good challenge and love to create ATCs consider joining MAMMA.  This week’s theme is Easter and we are using an egg template for the ATC. 


I wish his career was doing better as he is a really great singer and a really nice guy, too!

When I was a little girl I loved when Spring arrived. I loved the pretty flowers, the little birdies making nests in the bushes, the smell of the wet ground, and the warmer days.  I loved, too, that my birthday is in the Spring so it, also, reminds me of cake and presents. 

I have a particular love and fondness for Forcythia bushes.  When I was little my Dad referred to them as Forcy(n)thia bushes and told me that they were my own special plant that was created just for me.  He told me God thought I was so pretty when I was born that he decided to create something that would live forever that was named after me.  Wow, when you are small you will buy anything!  He had me at pretty! 

What makes you happy about Spring?



Click on the picture to hop over to Kim’s blog to enter to win!  You have until the 1st of April…No foolin’!  She is giving away the farm on this one!

Yes, I do tease!  After all of the teasing has subsided I do “put up!”  :O) 

I talked a bit back about some other ideas I had for sewing with neckties.  Last week, I spent a lot of time working on this…

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Piecing together ties into a crazy mish mash of prints.  Zigging and zagging along my merry way.  Swearing occasionally when my crappy Singer decided to drop on the stitching.  So what did the quilted ties become you ask?

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They became a quilted tote.  Lovely, no?  I donated this creation to an art auction to benefit the SPCA of Richmond, VA.  If you are in the area and want a place that your “best friend” is welcome consider joining for some awesome art and snacks on March 29th.  You can get the information here.   Best of all you can bid on my tote! 

DSC01669 The magic of a mother’s love
Brings harmony & bliss.

It covers like a blanket
And cures boo-boos with a kiss.
It offers grand protection
From evil that lurks around,
It tames the fears of little ones
And turns frowns upside down.
It holds a wealth of wisdom
With gentleness it guides,
It holds the hand when needed
Then lets go with tears of pride.
And through those precious childhood years
In an instant pass,
The love & magic mom instills
Will last & last & last.

-Author Unknown

The ATC above was created for last week’s MAMMA challenge.  The theme was A Mother’s Love.  It is a silhouette image printed on fabric, covered with a sheer overlay.  It is embellished with some millinery flowers from a thrifted hat and words from an advertisement. 

I also received the English Country Garden card from Judy.


And the Favorite Artist card from Rasslinmiss


Now go and give you Mom a call or a hug! 

DSC01676 I decided to try my hand at making beads with my Sculpey clay.  The process started with rolling the clay, then I used rubber stamps to give it some texture and a bit of a design. 

After the bakin’ had finished and the coolin’ was done I painted an acrylic paint base covering them.  I then used my ink pads to color the beads.  The beads are colored with 2 inks each so they are a bit variegated. 

Topped off with some Polycrylic to seal them and they are lovely, no? 



Now what to make with them???  That is the big question!

Never, ever thought he would say these words…

Quote O’ The Month

"What this world needs
is a new kind of army
- the army of the kind."
~Cleveland Amory

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cindyforeyes at earthlink *dot* net

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