You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2010.

I love this version from Sex & The City.

Thanks to all of my readers for supporting me in my life and crafty endeavors in 2010!  Here’s hoping our 2011 is the best year evah!

Okay, I know Christmas has passed, but I created some last minute ornaments for giving away on Christmas Day and want to share them with you.  Is that okay? 

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I used an image I found on Scrappy Jessi’s blog.  It was her Christmas post.  I painted the dominos with green paint and then painted the green glitter paint on top of that.  I used mod podge to affix the image and then a layer on top and all over the domino to seal it.  I then used my green stickles to put a little bead of glitter around the image.  The back is not embossed, it is the design on the back of the domino. 

They were quite the hit. 

Repeat after me…I LOVE Santa!  Probably more than these kiddies…

Or at least better than his…

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I hosted a swap on the Flickr Altered Dominos and Other Game Pieces group.  It was an ornament swap.  I went to the Goodwill several weeks back before all the back drama started and found a set of Bendominos.  I had no idea what I was going to make for the ornaments before I saw the bendominos.  Then it hit me!  Angels with the bendominos as wings. 

The rules for the swap was that you had to use at least one game piece in the creation of your ornament.  I used two, the bendomino and a checker to hold the face image.  I painted the checker and the bendomino with gold acrylic paint so it looked angelic.  Then I added some gold stickles to the wing to give it a bit of sparkle.  The face is a vintage image of a child that I thought looked a bit mischievous.  I like kiddies with a bit of spirit.  I used mod podge to adhere the face image and to coat the image on the top before the sealer.  Since the sealer is a bit watery the mod podge keeps the images from smearing. 


I used wire to create the holder and a bit of jazz for the bottom along with a couple of clear beads and gave her a pipe cleaner halo to finish it off.  Then I was on to the packaging for the swap. 

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I found this quote on-line:

“God not only sends special angels into our lives, but sometimes He even sends them back again if we forget to take notes the first time.” ~Eileen Elias Freeman

I found a typewriter font on-line at and thought it looked perfect when placed on typing paper I thrifted.  I cut strips from a brown paper bag and glued the quote onto it.

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I found some orphan patterns at the Goodwill outlet that had lost their packaging and used this to wrap the angels.  I then wrapped the quote around the angel and tied it with some blue string.  I love it when swap partners make the swap items like a present and make it special. 

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I thought I would leave you with a pic of the girls all together.  Aren’t they sweet?

Today was my first day in Physical Therapy.  It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Before my visit at the initial consultation he mentioned that word that causes fear in my soul, treadmill!  Thank God it was on 1.5 and it was only 8 minutes.  The session was not bad at all.  I feel surprisingly well after it and am hopeful that it will do the trick. 

I am working on a project that I hope to have pics up next week of the finished project. 

I hope all is going well for you and that the holidays are not flying by too fast!

Illustration showing the location and basic anatomy of the lumbar spine within a female body - anterior (front) and posterior (rear) views. © Louise Carrier 2007.

Do you see that double shaded line at the base of the spine?  The one that sits right above the pelvis?  That is my culprit!  There is a hernia on the back of the vertebrae which is pushing against my sciatic nerve.  My Physical Therapist showed me today. 

He also confirmed that it is very treatable.  I have some home exercises and will see him twice a week for three weeks.  He is confident it will get better.  “We” are going to push that herniated place back into a round disc shape.  Think of your vertebrae like a tire filled with jelly.  In my cast the tire has a bubble that “we” must push back in.  Sounds like fun, huh?

At least everyone is telling me the same.  That it is treatable and will get better!

Just remember, peeps, be good to your spine!  ‘Cause it can be a pissy hacked off witch of a thing if you don’t! 

Pic is from here. 

DSC05375 (1024x902)I was reading Calamity Kim’s blog several weeks ago and came upon this post.  You know that I love a few things: vintage neckties, flowers and brooches!  So you know I bought the pattern! 

You can find it either at Indigo Junction or I found it on Amazon

My boss’ birthday was this past weekend and I needed a gift for her.  She likes brooches, too, so I made one for her.  I really like how it came out and it was quite a hit! 

What do you think? 

Quote O’ The Month

"What this world needs
is a new kind of army
- the army of the kind."
~Cleveland Amory

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cindyforeyes at earthlink *dot* net

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