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I used to be so caught up in my blog numbers.  How to increase the numbers and get more comments on the blog.  I was even at one point obsessed.  Then I realized I did it for two reasons, to meet others and to inspire others.  I feel like I have accomplished both. 

As I was approving some comments the other day I realized I completely missed a bloggy milestone.  I have posted 1,092 posts.  This one will be 1,093.  I will be soon at 1100 posts. 

I thought it appropriate to put together a little giveaway to thank all of you for your support, your comments and the friendship.  I recently made two more Poe brooches.  One was a special order for a friend.  I made two so she had a choice.  She picked hers so I am giving away the other. 

The fabric is hand dyed fabric by my friend, Vicki.  The image of Poe is printed from an image I found on the internet and it is adhered to a button with Mod Podge.  I encircled the pic with some seed beads.  I think he is quite the smashing dude!  It is also a large brooch measuring 4.5” wide. 

All you need to do to be entered is to leave a comment on this post.  I will take comments until the first of October.  I will pick the winner on October 2nd.  If you send a friend and they comment you sent them you get an extra entry.  I will use the random number generator to pick the winner. 

Good luck!